Friday, March 6, 2009

Family. Isn't it about...Blogging?

One of the funnest parts about being a mom are those times when everything is peaceful, and you get to relax for a minute, and maybe check your email, or putter around at, but then you realize that it's too peaceful. Suspiciously peaceful. And sure enough, your daughter has painted her face yellow.

Another fun part is when your baby starts army crawling around the house, and eating whatever he can salvage from the recycling bin. (His favorites have definitely been church magazines.)



he got me!

A potato for your thoughts is just so much more delicious.
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Ahhh...sleep. Ahhh...milk.

Don't let her fool you. She's definitely not training. She just likes to read on the pot. And don't we all?

Looking particularly Bennish.


Melissa said...

Those pictures are awesome.
I don't know why I always think silence is wonderful.
It's like I'm taking it in and feeling good then my mind starts thinking, wait a second, your kids are never silent.............then that's where the fun begins.
I should always bring a camera with me and count to 10 before I turn the corner.

Heather E. said...

Jaundice Mae. How silly. But how does she find the paint? How come I've never heard about North and South? I'm itching to finish Wuthering Heights already and read something really good. Needle guns...I really miss DI some days.

Alison said...

Wow. Ike really does look like Ben in the last pic. You have such cute kids! Miss you guys!

Chavonne said...

I hear you on the church magazines. That is Misty's fave. I took three away from her in a row, and moved them after I realized she wasn't giving up! My feelings to a tee on N&S. I will have to read it though. Fanny was one of my favorites. "John is such a STICK in the mud!" Your family is adorable btw. I have those peaceful moments often.

sheena said...

Could Mae be any cuter? I think not. And that eyebrow thing Ike is doing in the last picture is seriously Ben. I love it!

We had such a fun time with the Elisons, we just wish it could have been a longer visit. Hopefully we'll make it out to Utah eventually too. About baby names, we are having a difficult time so we might put a poll on our blog so everyone can help us out!

Also, about baby slings. I need advice! Are they are worth it? Which one is the best? Did you use yours alot?

Emily said...


Ah, you've reached the suspiciously quiet times. :) How fun. I can't believe how particularily Bennish you Ike is in that shot. Thanks for your comments on mmm, it made my day sister love! You are so cute, we all do love reading on the pot, that is exciting that Mae likes to, a GREAT step in enjoying the potty. :) Love you sister.

Carrie said...

Eirene Mae is your twin. She is so cute! I bet you guys just laugh all day at your kids, since they are the offspring of funny folks like you. :) Love the paint.

M-Ware said...

heeh, this is a really old post but i haven't been to your blog for awhile so it's new to me. love the blog header, that rocketh. and mae's yellow face! of course she did.

Super B said...

Hi. I hope you remember me. I was a friend of Mim's at Ricks. I remember meeting you a couple times. Anyhow, a few things. Your kids are cute. And I love the stuff you make. I just perused the last few months of posts and way to go on the knitting. I have done some and need to get more into it like you. Also, I noticed a picture from the Halloween party of someone I think I know. The couple that look like they are dressed as Mary and Joseph. The guy is wearing a red robe and the woman is wearing white and their baby is wearing purple. Anyhow, would you email me. It might be easier to communicate that way...
Thanks so much.

Nicole said...

I love the yellow face! Also, thanks for the book suggestion. I've been in the mood for a good book and you sold me on that one. Hope everything is going great for you guys!