Thursday, August 25, 2011

all about Mae

Mae Ella Henderson is four years old. She is as girly as you please--pink, unicorns, fairies, interpretive dance, and anything that has glitter on it. She is lovely in every way. Endlessly helpful with her younger siblings, Mae takes great pride in being the big sister. She is eager to participate in anything that involves Ida, from choosing clothes for her to wear to helping me bathe her. She also puts in a lot of hours with Ike, her partner in crime. I fear her efforts to civilize him will wear her out. Mae saves every cent she finds in a box to save up for our adoption, and is ecstatic to have another baby to love and adore. In fact, a few weeks after Ida was born, Mae Mae was telling me “Mama, we have got to get another baby.” She is a great leader, and a great example. She is kind and generous and very responsible about her chores (except when she’s not). She loves to play, pretend, and dress up with her cousins and friends. She is learning to read and write at home preschool, and writes letters to just about everyone. She is a great artist, and asks to paint nearly every single day (watercolors are her favorite). Quote: “Ikey, this is not a zoo, it’s a sleepover!”

1 comment:

velinda said...

Delightful. Favorite Mae quote: "I drew you a dragon, Nana, and it's a kind dragon. He only eats mean dogs."