Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Predjudice

This morning in between church meetings, I sat in the foyer of our chapel jotting some thoughts in my journal as a conversation between members of the other ward began around me. A Hispanic woman was asking a young man about his service as a National Guardsman in Iraq. An older lady soon joined in by telling about a program she'd seen on television that showed an airplane that was hit by primitive arrows flying over remote parts of Africa. She was astounded that there were still "uncivilized" people living in the world and expressed her opinion that we Americans must have surely been obedient in the pre-existence to receive such blessings here on earth. While I know Bruce R. McConkie may have construed a similar opinion as doctrine, I have personally gained testimony to the contrary. Hearing this conversation further ingrained into me an even deeper desire to serve our country through diplomacy throughout the world. I feel that while gaining increased understanding and appreciation for others, my family will be able to also help friends and family here at home overcome prejudices and misconceptions. Many of these misconceptions seem to be formed when people attribute a doctrinal status to statements of opinion by general authorities in personal writings. Hopefully we can all be willing to give a bit more weight to conference and church publications than we do to books written on the side.

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

I'm thinkin' that post was written by Ben. Amen Brother. You'll be an excellent diplomat. I'm sorry I didnt get to see you this past week but it was so great to see your family. They are great. I posted a pic of Mae on my blog. Give her a kiss for me!