Monday, February 2, 2009

New Year Resolution

It was a new year's resolution to improve my blogging performance, and so, first off, I'm giving the old girl a face lift. Please be patient while I rearrange and reconstruct. (My blog, not myself.) phew.


Melissa said...

How about putting comments as a resolution as well so we all know your alive and reading OUR blogs, and not just us reading yours.
Two way street mate.

Heather E. said...

ouch. that girl doesn't have two kids. j slash k. I am loving the "Learn Arabic with Ben" segment. Genius.

supermimmi said...

And don't forget those pictures of your knitting projects, I am excited to see how my knitting pupil has progressed:)

Ann said...

Ooooooh, good, because I LOVE reading your and Ben's posts. I think it's a fabulous resolution!

Melissa said...
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