Thursday, January 17, 2008

Carryin' the Banner

Due to the fact that there are about 408 other things I should be doing right now, I have decided to post on my blog. Sorry to wax newsy, but that's what you get when you rarely update, people.
News, in no particular order of importance:
1. Mae is crawling, and pulling herself up on things.
2. We are moving into a little house of our very own.
3. Ben is crawling, and pulling himself up on things. And studying Arabic.
4. In our new house, we get to paint however we want.
5. I'm expecting another baby!
6. The new house has hard wood floors.
7. Still expectin'. Due August 14.
8. My babies will be 15 months apart!!
9. We got an iPod for Christmas.
10. I may or may not need to be baking between 10 to 30 cupcakes right now.


Fig said...

Hallefreakinglujah! Congratulations on new babies. And old babies that crawl. And cupcakes - always worthy of celebration.

Heather E. said...

new home? SWEET! I am coming to Provo in Feb for my cousin Carrie's shower. I will expect to see you or else.

Marcy said...

congrats you guys! I'm so excited that Ben finally figured out how to crawl and pull himself up! You will need that extra bit of mobility when you have two babies around :)

Ben and Eirene said...

Thank you, all. And who is Fig?

Fig said...

Fig is Christy Hancock (Gilbert).


Ben and Eirene said...

figgy it is

Barrettes and Bows said...

Congrats Rene and Ben. Two babies in 15 months..that's a lot of and Marcy should start a club perhaps.
A new house TOO! Wow..all the sudden my life seems really boring. I will have to take up a hobby eh?

Barrettes and Bows said...

P.S. Rene...thanks for the shout out about Les Miserables...Dustin just isn't as worthy of a partner when it comes to acting out fantien's (SP?) death scene. The passion just isn't quite there....alas..he will have to do. He does however do a worthy rendition of "Do you Hear the People Sing."(he's got a great march and he knows how to weild a mean broom handle while pretending that it is a musket.)

P.P.S. Remember when we did a bit from Les Miserables in stage light..and I was fantiene...and Josh Dye, the leaving, dirt bag man...and he would look at me with those big longing eyes...and I was supposed to look back with passion in my eyes....and instead I always was a bitin' my lip to keep from bustin' up. Whoo..good times.Ah stage light...Les Miserables...Rene.....

Sheena said...

Did you get my message? If not, congrats to you and Ben! I am so excited for you. Baby and new house. I have to admitt I might be more excited for you about the house, but that's just cuz I'm stuck in a tiny one-bedroom apartment with no paint jobs in sight ;). already have my address... just got the Christmas letter.

Sheryl said...
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velinda said...

So THIS is where I need to come to hear the latest, I get it! Very charming, I'm sure.

the mither